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Community Design Statement

While experience demonstrates that it is debatable as to whether SMBC take guidance or notice from community plans, when building is approved, the builders pay a levy, some of which comes through to the community. The amount paid is greater if a community has a Local Plan (or a shorter version termed Community Design Statement). We should have something in place not least because it is more difficult to object to development, if we have not articulated what we want our community to look like in the future. Having looked at costs and benefits of a full plan, Cllr. Bates' advice was to go with a Community Design Statement. Our sincere thanks to Roger Derwent for drafting the attached. Please take a look at this short document (access here in documents) and we would be very interested in any thoughts or comments you have, either via email or at the meeting scheduled for 14th March '18. I have included a typical guidance PDF.

For example, the document adequately describes what Barston & Eastcote is as a community; however, it does not say what parishioners wish it to be going forward. Your thoughts are important.

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